Sophie’s Place
allows children and youth
to share their story in a safe and welcoming space, supported and helped by a compassionate, highly integrated team
If you or a child is in immediate danger please call 911
To report child abuse please call:
The Ministry of Child and Family Development at 1-800-663-9122
OR Surrey RCMP at 604-599-0502
For general inquiries about Sophie’s Place:
Phone: 604-588-0727
Email: spinfo@the-centre.org
Who are we?
Sophie’s Place Child and Youth Advocacy Centre is a child and youth advocacy centre dedicated to supporting victims of physical and/or sexual abuse, providing a safe and welcoming place to tell their story.
We are a collaboration between Surrey Police Services and Surrey Provincial Operations Support Unit (former Surrey RCMP), the Ministry of Children and Family Development, the City of Surrey, Ministry of Public Safety & Solicitor General and The Centre for Child Development.
Who’s eligible?
- Children and youth ages 0-15 living in Surrey
- Children and youth who are victims of physical and/or sexual abuse
What makes Sophie’s Place special?
Sophie’s Place provides compassionate and nurturing services, delivered by multi-disciplinary, collaborative, specialized professionals that focus on minimizing trauma in an environment that’s supportive, friendly and focused on the children and youth we serve.
As the Lower Mainland’s first Child & Youth Advocacy Centre, we are the only one housed in a child development centre. These child-and-youth-friendly surroundings in a neutral setting eliminates the stress of giving a statement in an adult facility and protects children’s safety and privacy.
The integrative nature of Sophie’s Place also reduces trauma and stress for families- they don’t need to struggle with navigating our systems, everyone they need is here in one place.
“It’s really important that kids can have a place to go where they can be taken seriously, and where they can express what’s happened to them in a safe environment.”
– Sophie Tweed-Simmons
How Can You Help Protect Children?
Did you know?
- More than 60% of child abuse cases are unreported
- 1 in 3 Canadian girls and 1 in 6 Canadian boys will experience an unwanted sexual act
- 90% of abusers are known to their child victims
- Children with disabilities are 4x as likely to experience violence as their non-disabled peers
Did you know that adults in Canada are under legal obligation to report child abuse?
We’re all responsible… Everyone who has a reason to believe that a child has been, or is likely to be, neglected, physically harmed, sexually abused or sexually exploited, or needs protection, is legally responsible to report the matter to a child protection worker at the Ministry of Children and Family Development. Phone 1-800-663-9122 at any time of the day or night.
Under BC law you have a legal duty to report your concerns if you have reason to believe a child or youth (under 19 years old) has been, or is likely to be, abused or neglected. “Reason to believe” means that, based on what you have seen, or information you have, you believe a child or youth could be at risk and you are concerned about the child’s/youth’s safety and well-being.
Your immediate action can prevent further child abuse and help the family. As long as your report is made in good faith, you are not liable for any loss or damage. You can help stop child abuse.
What to Do
If a child tells you they have been abused or neglected:
Sometimes, children who are being abused or neglected will tell someone they trust. If this happens to you:
Stay calm and listen—Let the child tell their story. You may feel angry or shocked or scared, but you need to be calm for the child’s sake. That way, they know it is okay to talk about what happened.
Go slowly—Let the child tell you what happened in their own way and at their own pace. Gentle questions such as: “Can you tell me more about what happened?” can help.
Be supportive—let the child know that:
- they are not in trouble and have not done anything wrong
- they did the right thing by telling you
- you are sorry this has happened to them
- you will do everything you can to help, and
- you know other people who can help them too
Get only the basic facts—You don’t need a lot of details. You just need to know what happened in general. Remember that the child may have to tell their story to a child welfare worker, and maybe the police, too. And it is hard to have to talk about abuse or neglect again and again.
Tell the child what will happen next—Let them know you will be talking to a child welfare worker, and possibly the police, who may need to come and talk to them. If the child asks questions, answer what you can. If you do not know the answer, it is okay to say, “I do not know” or “We can ask the child welfare worker about that.” Do not promise to keep it a secret.
More information is available in the Ministry of Children and Family Development’s booklet Responding to Child Welfare Concerns.
If you are accessing our website regarding a child abuse emergency please call 911 immediately.
Sophie’s Place Child and Youth Advocacy Centre office hours are from Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm.
For all other concerns after hours please call 1-800-663-9122.

Sophie’s Place Child and Youth Advocacy Centre was selected as a finalist for the Premier’s Award Promoting Innovation and Excellence.
Therapy, care and support under one umbrella
We provide outpatient medical rehabilitation services to help children reach their potential.